Wednesday, July 8, 2009

thoughts on Michael Jackson

Wasn't really planning on this being my first blog, but...what the hey. It's 2:23am in FL right now and I can't sleep for thinking of this man. Watching his memorial today showed me so many different aspects of this "icon", this "legend" that so many of us never knew nor cared to know. I really sarted crying when I thought how great of a man he was and how much good he did in this world yet he was constantly rediculed and persecuted for his decisions and unproved speculated "actions". It just physically hurts me to imagine how he must've felt to go through life the way he did, people rediculing what they don't understand and spewing acusations at him. Would any of us realy be able to survive feeling like the whole world was against us? I sincerely believe God will never put more on us then we can bear and I feel like because God knew a weaker person would have caved under everything Michael went through, He gave Michael the cross to bear because he knew what a strong person that he was. As I lay in my bed still with tears, although I do not know Michael's personal relationship with Christ, from the things said, I do believe he was saved, and although he was persecuted on this earth I believe tonight he is with our Father in paradise, enjoying the fruits of his labor. Although I am human and we all judge, thinking back on this man's life just makes me yearn to have Christ like love and compassion, though some people are more famous then others and seem so unattainable we put them on a pedestal, they are still human with emotions and they still hurt and cry. I just hope that I can learn to suppress that part of me that is so quick to judge and realize that only God can judge and at the end of the day, we're all just flesh and blood.

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